In other words, a good way to complement your learning of a statistical test or procedure is to implement that procedure as an algorithm. 换句话说,补充您的统计测试或过程学习的一个好办法就是将这个过程作为算法实现。
Coding complement, matching-consigning, and fast consigning-slow recoding procedure work together to make sure that learning of the network is converging and stable. The above three elements also make one shot learning practicable, so as to improve the learning speed of the network. 补码编码、匹配委托和快速委托慢速重编码方案相结合,保证了网络学习的收敛性和稳定性,并可以做到一次性学习,提高了学习速度。
Mandatory arbitration mechanisms, as a complement and extend of the mutual agreement procedure, has made up for the deficiencies of mutual consultation procedures to a certain extent, making international tax disputes be solved effectively. 该强制性仲裁机制作为相互协商程序的补充和延伸,在一定程度上弥补了相互协商程序的缺陷,使国际税收争议得到有效的解决。